Tuesday, November 1, 2011

One thing at a time...

Part of the problem of the not-so-naturally organized is that we are:
  1. flexible -- we easily go from one thing to the next.
  2. smart -- we multi-task with grace
  3. industrious -- we often have many projects going at once
Here's a challenge for the day.  Start something... and finish it.  Clear off your work space (even if you have to pile it on the floor) and put one thing on it.  Then, attack it and finish it.

I really want to finish my Office Notebook.  I did get started on it, but as I mentioned yesterday, other things got piled on top.  Today I made sure that nothing else got piled on!  My Office Notebook is out and available for me to work on.  But, truthfully, my schedule was pretty full today.  I didn't get that one thing done.

Here's the truth.  It is very difficult to do just one thing, isn't it?  This is a new skill that we need to develop.  Too many things just pop up that demand attention.  I believe that getting focused on one thing is a key to getting organized.  If I figure out how to do it, you'll be the first to know.


  1. I stole an idea from FlyLady. I use a kitchen timer when I need to get something done. She's right, I can do anything for 15 minutes.

  2. FlyLady has a lot to offer! When things get too out of control for me, I still use a timer and spend 10 - 15 minutes. Works like a charm.

  3. I'm ADD and need to find some ways to cope with it.
