I've been browsing today. There are many websites and blogs devoted to Organization. It made me wonder, why one more?
First, there are no two identical situations. We all have different personalities, styles, natural tendencies and passions. We also each face different issues -- family, school, home, church. We are all very special! My journey is unique, but maybe it will help one person along the way.
Secondly, many of the lovely sites I've visited require an extensive investment in cute storage devices, complicated carpentry, expensive additions to furniture. Quite frankly, that's not feasible for us at the moment. Perhaps I can use those ideas, but we don't have money to spend on the process of getting organized. (Just between you and me, being unorganized with finances is a pretty good reason for that problem...)
Finally, I just like to write. So, there you have it!
I am planning to continue to enjoy other posts and websites. I plan to direct people to the experts. I am no expert. I'm just a person trying to figure out how to maintain order.
Will you come along with me?
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